Sunday, October 24, 2010

outline for essay 3

Intro-   The most famous theory of the moons creation was thought out to be called the giant impact hypothesis; this proposes that the Moon was created out of the debris left over from a collision between the young Earth and a Mars-sized body. Due to the creation of the moon, the earth and the people on it are effected in many ways something’s are less obvious than others; because of the moon the earth has changes in its ocean tides, a nice stable axial tilt which promotes a nice even seasonal change, and because of the total solar eclipse's scientist now know the dangers that hide in the suns corona

Paragraph 1- Ocean tides
what causes them
what that did for us
how is it important and why does it happen

Paragraph 2- The stable Axel tilt
What is it
why this is so important to us
how it causes a nice flow of seasons instead of a drastic leap from cold to hot all the time.

Paragraph 3- total solar eclipses
what is a total solar eclipse when do they occur and how is the moon involved
how does this affect us? (We now know about the deadly magnetic storms the sun throws at us also known as coronal mass ejections) now we can monitor the sun and be prepared for a deadly magnetic storm.


  1. Interesting topic. Looking forward to seeing your completed essay.

  2. This is a really interesting topic. I guess I’m just having trouble seeing how these three things tie together, but I’m curious to read your final paper to see how you will do it.
